The Craft of War: BLIND | Wow Power Leveling and Powerleveling from China

Percula does say that he's thankful for both the positive feedback and constructive criticism he's seen since the release of BLIND. Although, as you might expect, he's having trouble keeping up with sheer volume of emails.It's heartening to see a newcomer to the machinima scene make such a big breakthrough.If you didn't catch the Craft of War: BLIND when we featured it on Friday, now's a good time to check it out above. the real news is that Percula, the creator and animator of the movie, has issued a little more information about who he is, and where he comes from.

According to Percula, the future of BLIND is somewhat uncertain. This is because he did work for a game studio, but was laid off a few months ago. The high praise he's received makes it more likely that he's going to do a sequel, probably called something along the lines of Execute or Counterspell.