60-70 in 23 Hours!


I still remember when the Burning Crusade expansion first came out there was huge news of someone who leveled from 60 to 70 really really quickly. It took him just 28 hours to get all the way to 70. This was such a big deal because it normally took the rest of us a few weeks to do the job. Personally, it took me a little more than a month. Well this guy’s record just got beaten by a Chinese player named “SilverDragon” from the guild . TBC was recently just released in China and “SilverDragon”, a troll hunter, got from 60 to 70 in just 23 hours.

One side of me says congratulations for breaking the record. It truly is a huge feat that I really can’t imagine someone doing. It’s just crazy! This brings me to what my other side thinks about this feat. This is plain and simply a very dumb thing to do. First of all the game wasn’t designed so that you get from 60-70 in a little more than a day. It’s designed so that you can enjoy the content leveling your way to 70 at a much slower pace. I can say that while it took me longer than others to hit 70, it was fun because the leveling process in new zones doing new quests is fun. Of course there’s also the more obvious reason why this feat is stupid. Treasure your health! Don’t compromise it because of a game just to set a record!

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