Kalgan Interview At PCGamer Reveals WoTLK Spell Damage Gear Change

According to MMO Champion, the latest PCGamer Magazine in the UK published an interview with Tom Chilton (Kalgan) about WoTLK. This interview revealed something about a change to spell damage gear.

PC Gamer: What else is changing?

Tom Chilton (Kalgan) : We’re also going to be doing away with spell-damage only type gear. We’ll be moving to a system that, as part of your talents, will let players convert healing into spell-damage and vice-versa as part of their talents. That way they can use the exact same gear, but their talents just adapt what it does.” source

What I understand from this is a system that would allow let's say a holy priest and a mage to wear the same gear but through talents, the holy priest will be able to heal well and the mage will be able to dps well. This would certainly allow hybrids to have an easier time in getting gear. A priest wouldn't need to change his gear as he switches from holy to shadow and vice versa or a shaman from resto to elemental and vice versa. I guess this is what Bornakk meant when he said that loot will be shared by more classes/specs in the WoTLK expansion.

While this will certainly make gearing up faster in some cases in the sense that you can roll on gear that would otherwise have been meant for another class/spec, the same reason makes it a bad thing. the fact that that piece of gear is open to more classes/specs makes you have more competition for that piece of gear. But I guess that's better than getting the item drop sharded because no one can use it just because it's for the wrong class/spec.