Death Knight Disease Design contest

I'm terrible at design, but maybe there are some budding designers out there with some kickass ideas. If you win, not only do you get your ideas included in the Runes addon, but you will pick up a free 60 day gamecard as well. Hit up their dev thread if you have questions about how the mod works -hopefully we'll see some creative entries here when the times come to vote for a winner next month. is having a Death Knight Disease Design contest (say that three times fast) -they're working on putting together a disease-timer addon for you former slaves of the Lich King, but they need a little design help with it. What you've got to do is take the graphic above (you should probably take the one off of their site, just to be safe, because it's got to be a certain size), and design a way to use it as a disease timer -it's got to show all the info you'll need in an addon, and it's got to "look awesome," too.
