First Sunwell Gate Open For US Realms

According to MMO-Champion, the first Sunwell Plateau gate Agamath has been opened for US Realms. This means that the boss encounter of Grand Warlock Alythess and Lady Sacrolash, the two Eredar twins, has been unlocked! I know that personally this piece of news doesn't affect me since I don't raid content that far in the end game but it's still a nice piece of news. Since I play in a US server, I'm happy that the US guilds will have a chance at a world first since usually it's the EU guilds that do them. This gate is currently still locked for EU realms based on what I've read.

Click here to see an image of the eredar twins

For those guilds wanting more info about the encounter, the loot and even a video you can check out the World of Raids Sunwell plateau info page on the bosses.

The race is on for US guilds to make a world first! Good luck to whoever gets the honor