A Neon Genesis Evangelion spoof from Baka Savant | Wow Power Leveling and Powerleveling from China

I know we have a number of fans of this series in our readership, but I have to admit, it's not exactly my favorite. The series manages to pull a few grins out of me now and then, but it's pretty much the definition of hit or miss. I laughed quite a bit at episode 30, but this one didn't really do it for me, for example.

The episodes (and the cast/actors) seem to jive best when they're breaking the fourth wall, pulling in a little bit of a random tilt to the dialogue. This episode has some of it, but it focuses much more on an attempt at a dramatic conclusion. I lol'd, but only a little.A couple of weeks ago, WoW Moviewatch highlighted a Neon Genesis Evangelion spoof from Baka Savant, the makers of Chronicle of the Annoying Quest. This past weekend marked the release of the Season Finale of CotAQ, the episode for which that opening was intended, which you can view above.