Happy Fourth Birthday, World Of Warcraft!


Today, November 23, marks the fourth birthday of the game we all love so much - World Of Warcraft! If you haven't yet, log in today on all of your characters and you will be greeted with an achievement for logging in on WoW's 4th anniversary. Also, In the mailbox waiting for you will be a cute social pet, the Baby Blizzard Bear, as seen in the picture above! It actually looks like the Arctic Grizzly Cub I featured way back as possibly the cutest hunter pet ever. Now everyone who logs in today have something like it, even if you're not a hunter!

It's quite hard for me to believe that it's been 4 years. Have I been playing this game that long? I started sometime early 2005 which was only a few months after the release of the game. As I see my main character now in Northrend and reflect at the journey so far, I realize that the game has come a long way. All the changes that we had to go through patch after patch, all the new content we had to brave, two expansions later and we're still here as excited as ever. But for me, what I'm most thankful about that this game brought me is all the experiences I've been through with all the people I've met through the game. Some people I met almost 4 years ago and the others I met along the way are still around and have become some best people I've met online.

Happy birthday World Of Warcraft! Here's wishing Blizzard more success in the future.