Loot To Be Shared By More Classes/Specs In WoTLK


CM Bornakk brings some news about loot in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion.

We do plan to have more specs share some loot. I know it's great when the Retribution-Paladin piece drops, but that's a piece that isn't good for 26 other classes/specs, so hopefully we can make it so the item will apply to more classes/specs so even the randomness of loot won't be so much of a big deal. When there are examples for players to see it should be easier to understand. source

This is nice to hear since certain classes are harder to gear than others and it would be nice to have a wider selection of gear to choose from with the "shared gear". It really does feel like a waste when say a piece of leather gear drops but it's really for Moonkins and there aren't any Moonkins in the group. It's going to be interesting to see what they really mean by this.

Maybe Ret gear could have spell damage and healing too so that shockadins and even prot pallies could use it too or feral gear will also have some amount of spell damage and healing too so that Moonkins and Resto druids could use it. If this is what they mean by "shared gear", what do you think?