Initial Patch 3.08 PTR Notes Released

It's been about a month already since the Wrath of the Lich King expansion has been released so it's a nice time to start talking about the next major patch that is in the works. Patch 3.08 is already in the public test realm and it offers to give quite a number of changes to every aspect of the game from PvE to PvP, professions, class changes and the like - as is the norm in every similar big patch that comes out.

there's no point in tackling every single change that is listed since that's what the patch notes are for. If you want to see the complete notes, you can always find the latest here. The following are what I feel are the simpler but also big changes in the notes.

Bonus armor

Bonus armor will no longer be multiplied by talents and by effects of bear form/dire bear form and frost presence

No more racial mount restrictions

There used to be restirctions to certain races using certain mounts like Taurens couldn't ride the Blood Elf Hawkstrider. Now they can!


All player spells which cause a creature to become aggressive to you will now also immediately cause the creature to be tapped. If I'm correct, this is the answer to a problem warlocks and other DoT users had when having to wait for their DoT's to tick to tap targets. Now simply casting the DoT on your target will immediately tap it.

Wild Growth and Circle of Healing Cooldown

A 6 second cooldown has been placed on the druid Wild Growth spell and the priest Circle of Healing spell. these spells weren't meant to be spammed apparently.

Slow Fall and Levitate

The mage Slow Fall spell and the priest Levitate can be cast on other players.

Ritual of Summoning

Instead of a summon, the ritual of summoning creates an item like a portable meeting stone which other group members can use to summon the rest of the group.