Gold Guide: My way of making gold easy

Hey, Elbenzo here

Ok, I'm about to tell you how to make easy gold. Make a new character (I personally made a gnome mage) and get it to level 5, then teach it tailoring and enchanting. Get your tailoring skill to 30 (EASY!) and teach it to learn how to make a white linen robe. Now make lots of these and disenchant them all, then sell the products on the AH. Then as you're tailoring and enchanting go get some greens and disenchant them if you don't need them. Again, sell the products on the AH. I have personally made over 100g with this and my char is only level 10! My main currently is level 33 so I can get lots of greens for my alt to disenchant. If you have any problems message me in-game. My char is on the EUR realms and is on Anachronos. My two characters are called Bashmore and Goldengnome. Make a level 1 on the realm if you don't have one and message me.

TY Elbenzo